Affiliate to
There are 2 ways to join T.A.U. either collectively through the global affiliation of a Dojo or individually by personal choice and desire.
Individual affiliation can be taken in addition to all other affiliations simply by desire or personal choice.
We understand that a practitioner may want to discover and have access to information and training from different groups and we wish to allow everyone to do so regardless of the official affiliation of their Dojo.
With the Individual affiliation the practitioner will receive:
- An annual license
- The passport upon first registration and its free renewal when the time comes
- Access to a member area where you will find numerous videos (explanations, demonstrations, etc.)
- Access to Online sessions offered during the year on selected themes
- Access to exams offered by TAU in the 2 grade systems Kyu / Dan and Menkyo
The affiliation of a Dojo gives access to all members to the advantages of individual affiliation but also other administrative, technical and educational advantages.
Administrative: support for the development and visibility of your Dojo
Technique: Discussion sessions and specific practice moments between teachers
Educational: Access to specific videos and training.
Added to this is individual support for the teacher from the technical team. It will be possible for the teacher to have individual training and personal exchanges to enable his own progress and that of these students.
We offer remote monitoring for teachers who cannot attend regular courses and our pedagogy and the tools that we have developed have allowed us to develop monitoring accessible anywhere in the world.
"O-Sensei said, “It's not like that. Every little detail has to be correct. Otherwise, it's not a technique. You see, like that... like that! I was very lucky that O-Sensei taught me in depth and detail, and I follow his example."
Morihiro SAITO - 1928 / 2002
All actions implemented within T.A.U. aim to provide practitioners, teachers or associations with the support, accompaniment and tools necessary to move forward. To do this, we will offer support in many forms and through various media to meet everyone's needs throughout the world.
Do I have to be a member of T.A.U. to be able to register for a DAN exam?Yes, it is necessary to be a member of Takemusu Aikido Union.
What is the time between Dan grades?We do not consider time to be a relevant criterion to take into account between passages. Time is not the investment. So we simply prefer to say that a practitioner can take an exam when they have learned the tools that will be required of them. Grades are just stages, sometimes moving from one stage to another will be quick and sometimes much longer. We hold on to this reality.
Can I have an equivalence of a grade obtained in another group?No. You can join Takemusu Aikido Union with your grade, whatever the grade and its origin. However, each grade and its program are offered within a logic of overall progression specific to our group. This is why no equivalence will be awarded without a prior examination based on the TAU technical catalogs On the other hand, our technical college is trained to be able to facilitate the transitions of practitioners through their educational and technical knowledge in order to accelerate the training process for those wishing to do so.
Do you award degrees without examination?Yes we do and we assume this choice 101%. But we also accept the fact that this is different from a grade received after passing an exam. This is why the grade awarded honorarily does not qualify for technical and educational authorizations and will be the last grade received by the practitioner.
Can I qualify for a Kirikami - Mokuroku or Menkyo Kaiden diploma without taking a Dan grade?No because these diplomas require technical prerequisites to enter training, so you will need to be at least: 2nd Dan to qualify for Kirikami 4th Dan to claim Mokuroku 6th Dan to claim Menkyo Kaiden
Are diplomas awarded by examination?Not on an exam in the sense of the Kyu/Dan exam. Many things will be assessed to qualify for one of the diplomas set up by Takemusu Aikido Union, including: - deep technical understanding - pedagogy - historical knowledge - personal research - the personality - ... This happens over time and in the special relationship between teacher and student.
What is the point of receiving these diplomas?Among the direct interests: - Be authorized to carry out examinations and award grades - Be authorized to teach in full recognition of Takemusu Aikido Union - Be authorized to develop and teach this own research - Be authorized to set up your own structure / branch recognized by TAU - ... Furthermore, beyond authorization, the practitioner during the Menkyo process will have access to specific technical, educational, etc. training.