For us, a grade is only the materialization of a practitioner's progress.
We have set up two progression systems that the practitioner can go through.
A Kyu / Dan system which is found in the majority of current Japanese practices and a more traditional and less known Menkyo system.

KYU/DAN system
The KYU / DAN system is a technical progression system where each grade corresponds to progress towards the objective of TAKEMUSU AIKI.
We attach crucial importance to knowledge of the catalog and even more to knowledge of the catalog at the right time in the practitioner's progress.
This is why each technical tool is implemented at the necessary grade not by the complexity in its realization but by its interest in the progression of TAKEMUSU AIKI.
MENKYO system
The MENKYO system put in place is a system of 3 diplomas:
This system makes it possible to evaluate the practitioner in much more depth than the simple catalog knowledge of the Kyu / Dan system.
It will be a question of evaluating elements such as:
Historical knowledge
Deep technical knowledge
Pedagogical knowledge
Personal research
Personality of the practitioner
Knowledge of other “currents” of Aikido

To Progress...
Our two grade systems have one thing in common, the progression of the practitioner. However, we differentiate between technical progression and other aspects of progression (pedagogical, spiritual, etc.).
This is why practitioners receiving Kyu and Dan grades do not automatically receive the prerogatives of teacher, jury, referent, etc.
For transparency purposes, you will find below the authorizations issued upon successful completion of the various Kyu and Dan technical exams.
Authorizations issued - Kyu
3rd Kyu
Authorization to set up a study group and present the technical catalog until the 4th Kyu.
2nd Kyu
Authorization to set up a study group and present the technical catalog until the 3rd Kyu.
1st Kyu
Authorization to set up a study group and present the technical catalog until the 2nd Kyu.
Authorizations issued - Dan
1st Dan
Authorization to open a Dojo, teach the technical catalog up to the 1st Kyu and examine up to the 2nd Kyu.
2nd Dan
Authorization to open a Dojo, teach the technical catalog up to 1st Dan and examine up to 1st Kyu.
3rd Dan
Authorization to open a Dojo, teach the technical catalog up to 2nd Dan, examine up to 1st Kyu and propose a candidate to 1st Dan
4th Dan
Authorization to open a Dojo, teach the technical catalog up to 3rd Dan, examine up to 1st Kyu and propose a candidate to 2nd Dan
5th Dan
Authorization to open a Dojo, teach the technical catalog up to 4th Dan, examine up to 1st Kyu and propose a candidate to 3rd Dan
YUDANSHA practitioners registered and recognized according to TAU progression
As a reminder, the Dan system at TAU is the PRACTITIONER's system and does not provide any information on teaching abilities or authorizations to teach and award grades.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us directly.
8th Dan
Alain Grason
7th Dan
Matthew Jeandel
7th Dan
Matthew Jeandel
5th DAN
Sébastien Delattre
Thierry Kuentz
Antoine Simonin
Eric Parret
Thomas Ioos
Guillaume Dorgnier
4th DAN
Stéphane Boucquet
Olivier Spitz
Julie Spitals
3rd DAN
Annie Grason
徐建 - Xu Jian
周钊 - Zhou Zhao
Thomas Chenal
Flavien Bonnard
2nd DAN
Pierre René Courtois
Louis Chauvin
Sébastien Benard
Leon Gomez
Christian Hervé
Dogan Cakmak
Benoit Frances
1st DAN
Benjamin Stome
Stéphane Prédebond
Yves Konen
张鑫 - Zhang Xin
王琨 - Wang Kun
彭冀洋 - Peng Jiyang
黛玉 - Dai Yu
Jim Barthelemy
Dylan Junker
Patrick Andreau
Jean-Marc Faussurier
Jacques Janvrin (M)
Do I have to be a member of T.A.U. to be able to register for a DAN exam?Yes, it is necessary to be a member of Takemusu Aikido Union.
What is the time between Dan grades?We do not consider time to be a relevant criterion to take into account between passages. Time is not the investment. So we simply prefer to say that a practitioner can take an exam when they have learned the tools that will be required of them. Grades are just stages, sometimes moving from one stage to another will be quick and sometimes much longer. We hold on to this reality.
Can I have an equivalence of a grade obtained in another group?No. You can join Takemusu Aikido Union with your grade, whatever the grade and its origin. However, each grade and its program are offered within a logic of overall progression specific to our group. This is why no equivalence will be awarded without a prior examination based on the TAU technical catalogs On the other hand, our technical college is trained to be able to facilitate the transitions of practitioners through their educational and technical knowledge in order to accelerate the training process for those wishing to do so.
Do you award degrees without examination?Yes we do and we assume this choice 101%. But we also accept the fact that this is different from a grade received after passing an exam. This is why the grade awarded honorarily does not qualify for technical and educational authorizations and will be the last grade received by the practitioner.
Can I qualify for a Kirikami - Mokuroku or Menkyo Kaiden diploma without taking a Dan grade?No because these diplomas require technical prerequisites to enter training, so you will need to be at least: 2nd Dan to qualify for Kirikami 4th Dan to claim Mokuroku 6th Dan to claim Menkyo Kaiden
Are diplomas awarded by examination?Not on an exam in the sense of the Kyu/Dan exam. Many things will be assessed to qualify for one of the diplomas set up by Takemusu Aikido Union, including: - deep technical understanding - pedagogy - historical knowledge - personal research - the personality - ... This happens over time and in the special relationship between teacher and student.
What is the point of receiving these diplomas?Among the direct interests: - Be authorized to carry out examinations and award grades - Be authorized to teach in full recognition of Takemusu Aikido Union - Be authorized to develop and teach this own research - Be authorized to set up your own structure / branch recognized by TAU - ... Furthermore, beyond authorization, the practitioner during the Menkyo process will have access to specific technical, educational, etc. training.